
Actualité des Prestataires Labellisés


[News] Current influences on the market, 18/10/2023


Housing Market & Country specifics:  

HongKong : the residential leasing market is finally showing some signs of recovery.  

Italy : Milan’s price are rising especiallyfor exclusive  properties. Depending on properties size it could be difficult to find furnished or unfurnishedapartments? Houses are only available in the suburbs. 

Malaysia: rental market ison the upswing with the boarder re-opening, with slight increase in prices. Butpositive outlook driven by new premium properties available.  

Portugal: shortage ofshort/ long term properties, creating rise in prices and need for extradeposits


Moving & shipping:

PanamaCanal :  will continue to be under restriction till atleast June 2024 creating delays

TheFuture International Trade Alliance : is progressing on  the digitalization on the Bill of landing .Shall all effective latest 2030, increasing efficiency, sustainability andsecurity.

Pestcontrol project : isprogressing in the right direction with confirmation or respectiveresponsibility within the logistic chain . The FIDI is supporting all voluntarymeasures to reduce the transfer of pest . 

Containerpricing : has shownsome stability at a global level but availability remains problematic in somelines. 


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